
An open event brought to you by Backtrace to share interesting work in toolchain and other low-level topics.

LLVM and debug information quality

Join us July 23rd at 4PM ET (8PM UTC), as Djordje Todorovic joins me to discuss the state of debug information in LLVM and the work that is happening to improve it. The event will be livestreamed right here!


The event is live! Watch here!

The Talk

LLVM is a popular compiler backend that is the basis for toolchain across the Apple ecosystem, popular game consoles and more. Compared to compilers such as `gcc`, the quality of debug information in the presence of optimizations has historically been very poor for LLVM-based compilers. What is being done to improve that?

Djordje will give us a brief introduction to LLVM Debug Info, improvements within LLVM Debugging Optimized code area, as well as some tips on how to participate in finding Debug Info related bugs within LLVM.

The Speaker

Djordje is currently working for a Serbian company called SYRMIA as a contractor of CISCO. He has been dealing with Debug Info related issues within LLVM for more than four years focusing on optimized code, and he’s presented his work at various conferences such as Euro LLVM conference and FOSDEM. His mission is to participate in making the debugging user experience better for the LLVM users as much as possible. Djordje has worked on GDB, user-mode qemu, Android and more.


Djordje's GitHub Repositories
A 15 minute introduction to DWARF
Debug Information Validation for Optimized Code
Compile Once Debug Twice: Picking a compiler for debuggability